Maintaining and managing a forest estate

Managing a forest estate means respecting the biological cycles that govern it, through thoughtful, concerted maintenance that ensures the long-term survival of the woodland heritage. It also means running a site that welcomes the public and specific operations throughout the year.

Photo de l'allée des Marnes au Domaine national de Saint-Cloud
  • PNV

  • 9.30am - 5.30pm
  • 1 day

  • 650 € - Please contact us for preferential rates
  • Landscape maintenance manager, landscape gardener
    Green spaces manager
    Owners, directors and managers of public and private heritage sites, parks and gardens managers
  • Domaine national de Saint Cloud
  • On-site

  • Interest in natural and plant heritage


Objectives - Target skills

  • To be familiar with the stages, constraints and legal aspects of maintaining a forest estate
  • Manage a forest estate while respecting the living system and society's expectations
  • Understand the impact of climate change and know how to adapt maintenance programmes
  • Ensuring that the forest is open to the public and to external events under optimum conditions, while at the same time respecting the site.

Detailed programme


  • Legislation on the maintenance of forest estates (Forestry Code, Declaration of the Rights of Trees at the National Assembly symposium on 05/04/2019, management plan, Art L.350-3)
  • State partner services and relevant administrative circuits (DRAC, DREAL, ONF, CAUE, etc.)


  • Maintaining a forest estate starts with understanding its ecosystem (soil, fauna, flora).
  • Ordinary interventions in woodland areas (containing, maintaining, replacing trees) while maintaining the desired overall perception of the area
  • Multi-year forest estate management programme (timetable and forecast costs)
  • Impact of climate change on the management of natural areas and adaptation of plantations
  • Actions to be implemented for sustainable management (inventory, diagnosis, protection, perpetuation of the tree heritage)
  • Collaboration with lumberjacks/trimmers


  • Safety of goods and people, management of openings according to climatic conditions
  • Organising work in a place open to the public, communicating about the work
  • Hosting external events: requirements and constraints to be taken into account
  • Economic outlook

Methods and procedures


  • Case studies
  • Visit to the Domaine national de Saint-Cloud (approx. 1h30)


  • Knowledge MCQs


Maintaining and operating a forest estate" training course

video | Reading time2 min


Portrait d'Andréas Vogelsinger


Deputy Head of Gardens, Domaine national de Saint-Cloud, Centre des monuments nationaux

"Assistant to the head of the gardens department at the Domaine national de Saint-Cloud, I specialise in the management of natural environments. Before that, I worked for several years in the voluntary sector on urban ecology, environmental awareness and social integration projects. I then specialised in the protection of tree heritage. "