Mastering public works contracts

A public works contract for a historic monument is generally very complex, calling on a wide range of skills (legal, administrative, technical) and requiring a good understanding of how the contracting authority operates and how public contracts are awarded. In addition to the technical aspects of the contract, its success also depends on an overall vision of the work and on the project owner's compliance with the stages, regardless of the urgency of the work to be undertaken.

  • GT

  • 9.30am - 5.30pm
  • 3 days

  • Please contact us for a quote
  • Owners, directors and managers of public and private heritage sites
    Worksite manager
  • Please contact us for more information at
  • Face-to-face training and online

  • Online module to be completed before the classroom session


Objectives - Target skills

Note: this course is adapted to the French regulations. If you are still interested in this topic, please contact us.

  • Knowing how to ask yourself the essential questions before launching a public works contract
  • Be familiar with all the parties involved and the stages to be followed from the launch of the contract through to acceptance
  • Understand the legal and administrative aspects of a public works contract

Detailed programme

Note: this course is adapted to the French regulations. If you are still interested in this topic, please contact us.


  • Precise identification of the needs that will lead to the launch of a works contract, on the basis of the provisional cost of the works
  • Consideration of the impact of future works on the monument
  • Choice of resource people (project manager/architect in charge of historic monuments, project management assistant, order management coordination, coordinator, technical controller, etc.)
  • Diagnostics and preliminary studies (geotechnical, structural, lead, asbestos, etc.)


  • Knowledge of the essential rules of the public procurement code and the heritage code
  • Type of procedure depending on the value of the work (adapted procedure, call for tenders)
  • Various aspects to be taken into account when drawing up the contract (legal, technical, financial, economic, architectural, administrative)
  • Drafting of advertising notices and contract documents
  • Different partners and contacts depending on the type of work to be carried out on the listed historic monument (restoration or refurbishment)
  • Drafting of the tender analysis report based on the selection criteria (weighting of criteria)
  • Amendments to the contract as a result of unforeseen circumstances, errors or unforeseen events during performance of the contract
  • Acceptance of works and post-contractual guarantees (guarantee of perfect completion, ten-year guarantee)
  • Amicable settlement of disputes

Methods & Procedures


  • Case studies
  • Tool sheet


  • Knowledge multiple choice questions


Portrait de Natacha Piquet

Natacha PIQUET

Head of the Legal Affairs and Property Department at the Centre des Monuments Nationaux

"After studying public economic law at university, I applied my theory to public contract law, working first for a consultancy firm and then for a national cultural operator whose core business was public works.After studying public economic law at university, I applied the theory by practising public contract law, working first in a consultancy firm and then in a national cultural operator whose core business was contract management for historic monuments. I was also able to teach public procurement law at university (practical seminars). "