Economic development

How can you generate and diversify your own resources? What space rental strategy can be put in place? How can you develop your bookshop? Economic development is at the heart of the training courses on offer here.

    5 Results

    • Photo de la librairie-boutique de l'abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel

      Managing a bookshop-boutique within a heritage and/or tourist site

      The bookshop-boutique is at the heart of the visitor experience. Using a pragmatic method based on examples, you will be able to define the right commercial concept and develop its commercial performance.

    • Photo d'un tournage de film

      Enhancing the value of our portfolio through rentals and service offers

      This activity represents real added value, but also a significant workload. Historic monuments are often highly sought-after, but beware: they are not always suited to all requirements. Long-term rentals, on the other hand, enable us to offer the public a range of services to complement the visit and extend the visitor experience.

    • Photo de la Villa Savoye

      Building the local and tourist network for your heritage site

      A historic monument is inextricably linked to its local area and its network of partners, particularly in the tourist industry. You need to know them in order to work with them in the best possible way. Often highly sought-after, heritage sites have a strong appeal in their own areas, and several factors contribute to the development of their visitor numbers.

    • Photo de la salle des moines de l'abbaye de Beaulieu, accueillant le restaurant

      Multiplying sources of income for a cultural heritage site

      All managers or owners of heritage or cultural sites need to generate income to finance maintenance, restoration or development, organise exhibitions, programme events, etc. What are the activities and ways of generating resources?

    • © Patrick Cadet / Centre des monuments nationaux

      Making your heritage site an asset for your region

      Having a heritage site in your area is often a source of expense, but it's also an asset. It is part of the community's identity, and is often a source of pride for its residents. With the development of new offers and new uses, it can generate resources and offer services to the local community and to tourists.