Promoting inclusive mediation on a heritage site
Combining accessibility and heritage on a historic site is both a requirement and a challenge. Over and above the regulatory framework, welcoming all kinds of visitors in the best possible conditions requires careful thought, anticipation and coordination in order to implement appropriate proposals.
Reference : OC-06
On request - Group session
9.30am - 5.30pm -
Duration : 2 days
Please contact us for a quote -
Cultural mediation officer and cultural mediator
In charge of educational and cultural activities
Owner, director and manager of a public or private heritage site -
Please contact us for more information at -
Modality : Face-to-face trainning
Requirement : Basic knowledge of heritage site management and sensitivity to accessibility for historic monuments
Objectives - Target skills
- Knowing how to mobilise key resources and contacts in the field of disability
- Adopting an internal work organisation that encourages a continuous improvement approach to accessibility
- Being able to identify the elements, main systems and mediation tools with qualities and/or faults relating to accessibility.
Detailed programme
- Introduction: what are we talking about and how? Disability, accessibility, people?
- Reminder of the current context in the light of changes in society: towards an inclusive approach
- Identifying the key concepts (accessibility, universal design, comfort of use) and their implications
- Taking account of the entire travel chain to improve accessibility
- Setting up individual or collective mediation systems: how can we identify examples that work?
- Developing methodological and evaluation tools for cultural mediation
- Highlighting the importance of partners and networking
Methods & Procedures
- Case studies
- Group work
- Case studies
- Knowledge multiple-choice questions