Designing and producing an exhibition at a heritage site

A permanent or temporary exhibition is a real added value, but your historic monument must not disappear behind it.

Photo d'une exposition de photographie
  • OC-08

  • 9.30am - 5.30pm
  • 2 days

  • Please contact us for a quote
  • Exhibition manager
    Cultural programming manager
    In charge of educational and cultural activities
    Owner, director and manager of a public or private heritage site
  • Please contact us for more information at
  • Face-to-face training

  • No pre-requisites


Objectives - Target skills

  • Knowing how to carry out the work of reflection and analysis prior to setting up an exhibition (measuring the opportunity, conditions for realisation, coherence between site/exhibition, etc.).
  • Gather together the conditions and follow the various stages to ensure the success of an exhibition
  • Identify the players and partners (museums, artists, collectors, etc.) and know how to work with them.

Detailed programme


  • What is an exhibition? Why create an exhibition?
  • The people involved in the project and its implementation (from the curator to the service providers)
  • Choosing the subject and format of the exhibition: renting an exhibition or creating an original, fixed or travelling exhibition
  • Designing a permanent, temporary or touring exhibition
  • The expectations of the organiser and the public
  • The choice of whether or not to match the exhibition to the identity of the historic site (opportunities/risks)
  • The exhibition's business model: exhibitions for small and large budgets, specific pricing, etc.
  • The budget, funding, the search for subsidies and sponsorship
  • Working with the various partners


  • Stages of the project: Idea, project definition, design, production, operation
  • Project constraints
  • The question of location and the specific features of a historic monument
  • Safety, security and conservation conditions (facility report)
  • Defining the project, from the idea to the planning, including the choice of works or objects
  • From conception to completion
  • The administrative framework, public contracts and consultations (thresholds and main rules)
  • Organisation and logistics (loan of works, insurance, transport, convoying, installation, etc.)
  • Project management tools (retroplanning and operating budget)


  • Running the exhibition (target audiences, itinerary, reception, operating and security conditions)
  • Management of loans and works
  • Introduction to scenography and museography
  • Supporting the exhibition (catalogue and related products, publishing, etc.)
  • Keys to communicating effectively about the exhibition
  • How to bring the exhibition to life: event mediation, cultural programming ideas, cultural mediation activities, workshops, partnerships, etc.

BONUS[online]: Dismantling an exhibition: an example from the Conciergerie

Methods & Procedures


  • Case studies
  • Tool sheets


  • Knowledge multiple-choice questions
  • Personalised action plan



Pierre-Gilles GIRAULT

Administrator of the Royal Monastery of Brou (01), at the Centre for National Monuments

"Administrator at the CMN since 2014 after a long experience in the local area, I have organised many exhibitions, sometimes travelling, at the abbey of Noirlac (18), at the royal castle of Blois (41) and at the monastery of Brou (01).abbaye de Noirlac (18), the Château royal de Blois (41) and the Monastère royal de Brou (01), and sometimes as guest curator as at the Château des ducs de Bretagne in Nantes (44). I'd like to share this practical experience with you to help you design and produce exhibitions in your monuments. "