Our expertise

Want to find out more about our expertise?

Présentation visuelle des différentes expertises du CMN

Consultancy & cultural engineering

CMN Institut mobilises the expertise of the men and women of the Centre des monuments nationaux (CMN) for paid audit, consultancy and skills development assignments to support you in your projects.

CMN staff are here to listen to you and help you define your needs and carry out your project.

Whether in France or abroad, these engineering operations are part of an approach that promotes, shares and makes available the know-how of its network.The themes and expertise listed in our catalogue can also be used to support the CMN in various cultural projects in France or abroad.Our areas of expertise are as follows:

  • Project management
  • Maintenance and management of historic monuments
  • Promotion of green spaces
  • Economic development
  • Tourist networking
  • Management of a bookshop-boutique
  • Cultural mediation and offers
  • Setting up exhibitions
  • Digital innovation
  • etc.

Our experts

Each expert is identified on the basis of their training, professional background, responsibilities and experience. Working with the project team, they provide an analysis and recommendations to meet your needs and objectives.

The expert works alongside you as part of a co-construction process.

Group photo on an outdoor staircase

© B. Gavaudo / Centre des Monuments Nationaux

We supported them

  • Enhancing the historic centre of the Greek city of Rhodes

  • Revitalising and promoting tourism at cultural sites in Serbia