
article | Reading time10 min

Discover the national monuments by bike

Vélos dans le parc du château de Rambouillet

Did you know that many national monuments are just a short cycle ride away? In this article, you'll find ideas for itineraries that combine cycling and cultural visits!

The best cycle routes to discover our monuments

The Véloscénie

450 km of cycle routes and greenways linking Paris to Mont-Saint-Michel!

Along the way, you'll pass

Cycling ability: I'm used to it

Discover the route

Découverte du château de Rambouillet à vélo
Découverte du château de Rambouillet à vélo


The Mediterranean by bike / EuroVelo 8

The Méditerrainnée à vélo, the French link in the EuroVelo8 itinerary, will enable you to enjoy the south of France to the full!

This itinerary combines sea, mountains, lakes, marshes, canals... and a sublime heritage, of course.

The route between Nice and Menton offers sumptuous panoramas and will give you the opportunity to visit :

  • Villa Kérylos, a marvellous reconstruction of an ancient Greek residence, not far from Nice
  • The Trophée d'Auguste at La Turbie, an ancient jewel overlooking the Bay of Monaco
  • Cap moderne, a unique architectural ensemble in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin: Eileen Gray's Villa E-1027, Le Corbusier's Cabanon and Camping Units, and the Étoile de mer bar-restaurant.

Cycling ability: Climbing

Discover the route

Trophée d'Auguste à La Turbie
Trophée d'Auguste à La Turbie

© We are Content(s) / Centre des monuments nationaux

The Loire by bike / EuroVelo 6

Described as the valley of kings or the garden of France, the Val de Loire is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Come and discover all its beauty!

This itinerary will take you past

A variant of the Tours - Villandry or Villandry - Rigny-Ussé stages will also take you to the marvellous château of Azay-le-Rideau!

You can even make a short diversions to the charming château of Fougères-sur-Bièvre, on a tour through the vineyards.

Level of cyclist: Beginner / Family

Discover the route

Vue aérienne du château d'Azay-le-Rideau sur son miroir d'eau, façade sud
Vue aérienne du château d'Azay-le-Rideau sur son miroir d'eau, façade sud

© Christian Gluckman / Centre des monuments nationaux

The Canal des 2 Mers

Cycle 750 km from Royan to Sète along the Gironde Estuary, the Canal de Garonne and the Canal du Midi.

In the Bordeaux region, you can admire theAbbey of La Sauve-Majeure, a masterpiece of Romanesque art, on the route from Créon to Sauveterre.

Cycling ability: Beginner / Family

Discover the route

The Canal des 2 Mers passes through the medieval city of Carcassonne and its three kilometres of fortified ramparts.

Cycling ability: I'm used to it

Discover the route

Finally, the Capestang - Béziers stage will take you to theEnsérune oppidum and its archaeological museum.

Cycling ability: I'm used to it

Discover the route

Cité de Carcassonne
Cité de Carcassonne

© Geoffroy Mathieu / Centre des monuments nationaux

The Great Alps route

If you're an experienced cyclist, follow in the footsteps of the Tour de France riders through the Alps and tackle the highest road passes: Iseran, Galibier, Izoard, Madeleine...

Magnificent scenery and an unforgettable journey await you!

Close to Guillestre is the fortified village of Mont-Dauphin: built by Vauban on a vast rocky promontory at the crossroads of several valleys, it was a testament to the power of King Louis XIV.

Cycling ability: Climbing

Discover the route

Le village fortifié de Mont-Dauphin
Le village fortifié de Mont-Dauphin

© We are Content(s) / Centre des monuments nationaux

The Véloccitanie

This 200km cycle route crosses the departments of Aude, Haute-Garonne, Tarn and Hérault, from the Seuil de Naurouze (near Castelnaudary) to Béziers.

On the Bédarieux - Béziers section, take the opportunity to explore theEnsérune oppidum, a major Gallic town in the Midi, and its archaeological museum, which displays over 1,000 objects from the ancient world.

Cycling ability: I'm used to it

Discover the route

Oppidum d'Ensérune, visiteuse garant son vélo aux abords du bâtiment d'accueil
Oppidum d'Ensérune, visiteuse garant son vélo aux abords du bâtiment d'accueil

© Geoffroy Mathieu / Centre des monuments nationaux

Other routes

Fancy cycling from the shores of Lake Geneva to the beaches of the Mediterranean? Take the ViaRhôna, an 815 km cycle route that passes through the Fort Saint-André in Villeneuve-Lez-Avignon.

Cycling ability: Beginners / Family

Discover the route

To discover La Rochelle and its towers, you can take the Vélodyssée, which runs along the entire Atlantic coast.

Cycling ability: Beginner / Family

Discover the route

Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey is also on the VéloWestNormandy cycle route linking the D-Day landing beaches to Mont-Saint-Michel.

Cycling ability: I'm used to it

Discover the route

You can also visit the abbey on the Vélomaritime / EuroVélo4 cycle route, which takes in Mont-Saint-Michel, the Grande Armée column in Wimille, the Maison d'Ernest Renan in Tréguier and the great Cairn of Barnenez.

Cycling ability: Beginners / Family

Discover the route

Cyclistes en route pour l'abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel
Cyclistes en route pour l'abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel

© Colombe Clier / Centre des monuments nationaux

Our monuments with the "Accueil Vélo" label

"Accueil Vélo" is a national label guaranteeing a high-quality welcome and services along cycle routes for touring cyclists.

Several of our monuments have been awarded the "Accueil Vélo" label. Saddle up your trusty two-wheeled steed and come and visit them!

Centre-Val de Loire


New Aquitaine

Western France

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

The subject file

Holidays and weekends in France: all our ideas for visits

File | 14 contents

Public dans la cour du palais Jacques Cœur