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3 getaways around Clermont-Ferrand in France

Château de Villeneuve-Lembron

Destination Auvergne? Explore this beautiful region and discover its monuments and exceptional heritage!

Aulteribe, the best furnished castle in France

Built in the Middle Ages, the château d'Aulteribe, 45 minutes east of Clermont-Ferrand, is known as one of the best furnished castle in France! Behind its high towers and asymmetrical façade, this castle, which was converted into a 19th-century residence by a family of wealthy collectors, is full of treasures!

One example among many? Aulteribe is home to a copy of the very rare "Jardin de la Malmaison" by Pierre-Joseph Redouté, the master of flower painting, featuring 120 watercolours and sketches of the most beautiful plants in the garden of Empress Josephine, who lived at the château de la Malmaison near Paris.

There's no doubt that you'll be seduced by the silhouette of the château d'Aulteribe, its history and also its furniture and objets d'art. Perhaps, like the de Pierre and Onslow families before you, you'll never want to leave!

  • Open daily from mid-May to mid-September except Mondays, and the rest of the year from Wednesday to Sunday.
  • Castle: full price 7 €, free for under 26 years old
  • How long: minimum 2 hours

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Château d'Aulteribe, Façade Sud

Villeneuve-Lembron, a marvel of painted scenery

Ready to delve into the legends of the Auvergne?

Then head to the château de Villeneuve-Lembron between Clermont-Ferrand and Saint-Flour! One of its former owners, Rigault d'Aureille, butler to four kings of France and a lord with a great sense of humour, will greet you at the entrance with a magnificent fresco.

As you visit his home, with its warrior-like appearance and cosy interiors, you'll come across many other painted decorations combining mythology and folklore created at the turn of the 16th century. Let one of our guides tell you the story of La Chicheface, unless you already know it!

The highlight of your visit is the stables, with their barrel vaults that are among the finest still preserved in France.

  • Open daily except Mondays from mid-May to mid-September, and from Wednesday to Sunday the rest of the year.
  • Château: full price: 7 €, free for under 26 years old
  • How long: minimum 2 hours

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Château de Villeneuve Façade Nord

© Geoffroy Mathieu / Centre des monuments nationaux

Chareil-Cintrat, an Italian-style castle

Do you love Renaissance châteaux? If so, Chareil-Cintrat, lost in the middle of the vineyards between Vichy and Clermont-Ferrand, is the castle for you!

Owned by Claude Morin, an Ordinary Controller of War who travelled extensively in the course of his duties, particularly in Italy, the château de Chareil-Cintrat, refurbished in the mid-16th century, is sure to charm you with its antique-style decor, halfway between Classicism and Mannerism. A change of scenery guaranteed!

All that's left is to wish you a "buon viaggio" as they say in Italian!

  • Open every day except Monday from May to September, by reservation only for groups the rest of the year.
  • Castle: full price 5 €, free for under 26 years old
  • How long: minimum 1h30

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Château de Chareil-Cintrat, en famille

© David Bordes / Centre des monuments nationaux

And for a few more kilometres

Do you have to go to great lengths to discover the treasures of our regions? Then head for the ensemble cathédral du Puy-en-Velay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Since the 10th century, Le Puy-en-Velay has been one of the starting points for the famous pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. The cathedral, nestling in the heights of the town, is the result of a feat of architecture that blends a variety of influences. It is home to the famous Black Madonna of Le Puy, to whom many of the faithful come to pay their respects. As the number of pilgrims grew, the church was enlarged and a cloister added over the centuries. Romanesque in style, it is well worth a visit for its polychrome arcades and capitals with scenes that are, to say the least, astonishing.

And don't miss a visit to the cathedral's magnificent treasury!

  • Open daily from mid-May to mid-September, then Tuesday to Sunday the rest of the year.
  • Monument: full price 7 €, free for under 26 years old
  • How long: minimum 1/2 day

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Cathédrale du Puy-en-Velay extérieur
La façade occidentale de la Cathédrale du Puy-en-Velay

© Patrick Müller / Centre des monuments nationaux

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Holidays and weekends in France: all our ideas for visits

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