Online booking for groups on the B2B e-ticketing office

Reservations made easy : Online reservations for groups

Online booking for adult groups

Discover the online feature for making reservations for adult groups at France’s national monuments! It’s easier and faster than ever to make a reservation for a group visit: get an instant, online confirmation in just a few clicks!

For the Arc de triomphe, Château de Vincennes, Conciergerie and Sainte-Chapelle, you can directly access the adult group visits schedule on our e-ticketing page for tourism professionals. Pay by card or bank transfer before the visit and get immediate confirmation. For greater flexibility, select your visit time-slot options and confirm later by payment (the duration of your selection varies by monument). Your tickets for a set date and time are sent to you by email and you can present them at the entrance to the monument.

Log on now to the professional e-ticketing service to book your group visits in 2025:

Arc de triomphe:

Booking calendar open until 30 June 2025

Sainte-Chapelle and the Conciergerie:

Booking calendar open until 30 June 2025

Château de Vincennes: 

Booking calendar open until 30 April 2025

If you do not yet have a pro account, create your account on the CMN pro e-ticketing service to access online booking for groups.

Need help with the professional e-ticketing office of the CMN? Download our detailed FAQ: it answers all your frequently asked questions!

  • Capture_FAQ GB.JPG

    FAQ - B2B e-ticketing office

    PDF (701.44 kB)


Reservations for school groups and socially disadvantaged groups

Please note that online booking for school groups, extra-curricular groups and disadvantaged groups (social, medico-social, disabled, legal) is only available for the Arc de Triomphe and requires payment by credit card or bank transfer.

If you would like to organise this type of visit for another monument or pay by cash, cheque, Culture Pass or administrative order form (France only) for the Arc de Triomphe, please contact the monument concerned directly.

Arc de triomphe:

Sainte-Chapelle and the Conciergerie:

Château de Vincennes

Guided tours

If you would like to book a guided tour, please contact the following department:
